Energy levels: relaxed
Good with: cats, children

CAYMEN (tabby)
Est DoB: August 2019
Our "Robert DeNiro" boy Caymen has a squinty expression, but he's a sweetheart underneath the tough look! Caymen was dropped off at a farm and eventually trapped by the farm owner. Caymen injured himself in the trap and suffered a bad scrape on his head and broken nails. This poor boy came to LCCR in pretty rough condition, but he fully recovered from his wounds.
Caymen is a relaxed cat who likes to take it easy. He's a bit nervous about people, but will follow Spots and Scorch to say hello when you walk in the door. He will accept pets as long as his emotional support buddies are beside him. Anytime he is feeling anxious and runs to them and they will wrap an arm around him and groom him until he feels safe again.
SCORCH (orange/white)
Est DoB: May 2016
Scorch was found as a stray by a nice family that was giving him shelter and food. They noticed he was injured and contacted LCCR so he could get help. He had wounds to his ear that required a few stitches, but healed well. He has since developed dental disease and had many of his teeth removed.
Scorch is an absolutely gorgeous creamsicle fluff ball! He is friendly and loves to play, cuddle, and groom his two best friends. He loves to come say hello as soon as you walk in the door and will stare you down when he wants attention. If you're sitting on the floor he will immediately climb into your lap for some pets and a nap. He's also a big fan of boxes and will curl up in them to sleep.
SPOTS (black/white)
Est DoB: April 2019
Spots hails from Stirling where he was part of a colony being fed by a kind woman. One day he showed up a little dirtier than usual, limping, and with wounds on his front and hind legs. Life on the streets just wasn’t for him. Spots has been living happily at the Ranch. However, he has developed urinary problems which means he is prone to urinary crystals and blockage, so he is on a special diet.
Spots is very affectionate and is always front and centre for pets when you walk in the door. If you are sitting down he will find you and climb into your lap. If you're opening a noisy snack he will trot over to see what you're eating. He loves to have his face rubbed and enjoys sitting out in the catio when the weather isn't too cold.