LCCR is a Canada Revenue Agency registered charity #805157146RR0001
and also a Registered Society in Alberta #5012154034
Registered Provincial Charitable Organization #357090
LCCR issues tax receipts. (Raffles , online auctions or adoption fees are not eligible for a tax receipt)
100% of funds donated will be used for sheltering, feeding and providing vet care. No funds are used for administration. We are entirely volunteer run.​
Financial donations can be made through any of the following: (Canada Helps, GoFundMe and ATB Cares issue tax receipts on our behalf) PayPal tax receipts issued at tax time.
• e-Transfer via your financial institution to: thelccr@gmail.com
*please include your full mailing address for your tax receipt (Issued at tax time)
If you have questions about your donation please email us at thelccr@gmail.com, Attn: Laurie